The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is a well-established advocacy arm of the University of Arizona that actively champions a just, equitable and inclusive campus. We shape policy, address current needs and promote the advancement of all gender identities and are directly connected to the University of Arizona Diversity Coalition. We are an Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) established commission.
CSW monitors statistics and cultural indicators on campus to identify signs that indicate that women are succeeding and diversity is improving. We have also worked to increase parental accommodation for graduate students and expand child care options for both students and employees.
We encompass all gender identities. We are faculty, appointed professionals, classified staff and graduate students. We are the University's stewards of equity and inclusion.
Join the Commission Today
CSW welcomes new members year-round – and we need you. Fill out an application and a member of the Executive Committee will contact you with more information.
CSW commissioners are appointed by the UA president. Faculty and staff members serve three-year terms; students serve a one-year appointment with the option to renew. Membership typically requires a commitment of four to eight hours per month. More time may be required of workgroup chairs.
Annual Reports
CSW publishes annual reports each year to share our progress toward ABOR goals. You can review our digital reports from 2014 to the present below, with a few years missing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
2014-2015 Strategic Plan & Report