Start Smart Workshop: Negotiate Your Salary


2:30 – 5 p.m., May 9, 2018

You want to have the best possible financial start after graduation. Learning how to establish, defend, and negotiate salary and benefits is fundamental to this when entering the workforce. Through a partnership between the University of Arizona and the local American Association of University Women, this workshop will help to prepare you for your transition. Start Smart highlights—

  • Understanding the Gender Pay Gap and how to avoid being part of it
  • Knowing your value in the marketplace and how to articulate it
  • Gathering objective facts that allow you to defend your position
  • Creating a strategy that optimizes your position

Prior to the workshop, you will be asked to tune up your resume and find a job description for a placement you desire to attain. Bring those documents to the workshop and get feedback through matching your value to that prospective job.

RSVP by May 4: